Drama is a healthy way to introduce sensitive Health and PE topics with years 7-11 students
Drama can be a fun and different way to introduce sensitive, personal health or physical education subjects. Students act out a 8-10 minute play to introduce subjects then move onto discussions, talking about characters but potentially starting to discuss their own experiences. The module cvan be used as a complete lesson plan or with your existing resources.
Health modules are quick and easy for teachers to use. Fun and interactive for students. If you want your classroom to come alive learning about preparing bbq food, taking part in a team sport, how to regain a friendship or discussing what fitness means to everyone then try our modules.
You don't need any drama or acting skills, just a sense of fun and a desire to try something different.
HPE1 Deciding to set an exercise goal (Motor Skills / Human Movement)
Play: Friends help a reluctant friend to start and plan an exercise regime.
Discussion/Activities: Encourages students to discuss the relationship between food safety and risk management.
Objective: To understand how and why people view and use resources differently and possible consequences.
Number of pages: 7 (includes cover page).